Design and Analysis of Iot Ecosystem for Freight Management System


  • Hamirani Ekbal Shahbudinbhai , Rajendra Singh Kushwah


At the moment, research and applications focused on vehicle-to-vehicle communication are highly significant. Transportation management and vehicle-to-vehicle communication systems were the focus of this article, which detailed the inner workings, implementations, and applications of the Internet of Things (IoT). The reduction of traffic and accidents on the road is the primary benefit of this Internet of Things (IoT) technology based on Industry 4.0. The development of mobile-based V2V communication—which is more effective, error-proof, result-oriented, and smart—has resulted from the shortcomings of GPS, such as accuracy, precision, effective analysis, etc. Proper analysis of traffic requires the establishment of vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Random Information gleaned from cars through a network of sensors. The info may be easily shared between any two autos in the vicinity if it came in its variation. We can assist emergency vehicles get where they need to go faster by allowing them to communicate with one another. The V2V software allows for the marking of red and green lights on the road according to traffic density, allowing emergency vehicles to choose the quickest, least congested routes. The present study document provides similar instances to aid the researcher in identifying the research gap for future optimization, development, analysis, and invention.




How to Cite

Hamirani Ekbal Shahbudinbhai ,. (2022). Design and Analysis of Iot Ecosystem for Freight Management System. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(3), 2192–2204. Retrieved from


