Measuring Guests’ Satisfaction in Luxury Hotels with Special Reference to Mumbai


  • Maniar Sohib Habib, Kumar Siddhartha


In literature, the idea of customer happiness is crucial. Every service provider pledges to increase customer pleasure so that they become devoted patrons, resulting in the expansion and profitability of the company. The proper management of the service encounter, which is defined as the moment or circumstance when the client directly engages in face-to-face and voice-to-voice engagement with the service provider, is crucial to the success of the hospitality sector. Customers frequently form lasting perceptions about the service provider during this service interaction, known as the moment of truth. In this article, measuring guest’s satisfaction in luxury hotels with special reference to Mumbai has been discussed. Convenience sample was put to tests, e.g. Mean, Mode, Median, Standard Deviation, Post-hoc analysis, t-test, F test, Dunnett's test, One Way Anova, Skewness, Kurtosis, Post-hoc analysis etc. that conclude that guest’s satisfaction depends upon marketing, service quality, relations, emotional contagion, behavioural intentions, seasonality effects, economy and labor.




How to Cite

Kumar Siddhartha, M. S. H. . (2022). Measuring Guests’ Satisfaction in Luxury Hotels with Special Reference to Mumbai. Mathematical Statistician and Engineering Applications, 71(3), 2125–2136. Retrieved from


