Data Hiding in Color Image for Secure Data Transmission with RDH by RRBE
The reversible data hiding plays very important, vital role in the proposed system. The proposed method provides integrity and confidentiality for both the image as well as data. The system involves the technique called Reversible data hiding (RDH). RDH in encrypted image ensures the original image which is used to hide the message that can be recovered without loss of quality of the image which is used as cover. There cause errors on the data extraction and image extraction resulted due to previous methods. In this scheme, the reserving room before encryption with a RDH algorithm results in easiness for the data hider to reversibly embed data in the encrypted images. By RRBE method the real reversibility can be achieved, that is data extraction and image recovery are without any error. Experiments show that this novel method can embed more than 10 times lager payloads (i.e.) efficiency for the embedding data and extracting data with same image quality as the previous methods like peak sound to noise ratio dB. It is easier to modify and misuse the valuable information through hacking because of availability of such huge network. Cryptography and steganography are the two ways to sending data securely without modifications by unauthorized person. The proposed methodology deals with the image steganography with the different security aspects and about the steganographic algorithms like Least Significant Bit (LSB) algorithm, RLSB algorithm. Those algorithms are used by means of speed, correctness, accuracy and security. All previous methods only support for gray scale image so in this scheme, instead of gray scale image color image is used to hide data.