Effect of Yoga Training Program on Selected Skill Related Physical Fitness Factor & Shooting Performance of Interschool Male Basketball Players
The purpose of this study was to examine the “effect of Yoga training program on selected skill related physical fitness & shooting performance of interschool male Basketball players”. It was an experimental study in which pre-test & post- test non equivalent groups design was used. 30 male Basketball players mean of age (15.17±2.15) were selected as sample by using simple random sampling technique (n=30) from millennium school karvenagarpune. (n=30) they were equally divided into, Experimental group (n=15) and Control group (n=15). Basketball agility drill, Basketball coordination & Basketball shooting test was conducted on both the groups obtained data was analyzed by using Independent sample t-test. Result shows that data collected was analyzed by using Independent t-test to see the change of yoga training program was useful to improve skill related physical fitness & shooting performance. Further data was analyzed by using Independent‘t’ test the mean score of experimental group of Basketball agility mean was 2.61 similar test control group mean was 1.68 & ‘t’ value was 3.42, Basketball coordination mean was 3.31 similar test control group mean was 2.14 & ‘t’ value was 4.70 and Basketball shooting performance mean was 1.96 similar test control group mean was 0.83 & ‘t’ value was 5.64, which shows the significant difference at 0.05 level thus researcher concludes that there was improvement of performance Basketball Agility, Coordination & Basketball performance of experimental group as compared to control group due to the treatment given.